
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hair Style

“The inspiration was Anna Karina, the model-slash-actress from the ‘60s who played muse to director Jean-Luc Godard,” says Jason Wu of his resort 2011 collection. “She was really chic and had this great French gamine style.” As for the accompanying hairdo, Wu says, “It’s a girl who just presses her hair back and does a braid herself—I wanted it to be effortless and airy.”

With his ’60s-esque Mia sunglasses for Modo (inspired by another gamine actress, Mia Farrow) and dainty boater hats dotting the runway, Wu needed a coif that would showcase his accessories. Favoring Karina’s traditionally undone locks over a tight updo, Wu chose a low plait as the perfect compromise.

“The braid contains the hair, yet still has an essence of looseness,” says Aveda stylist Jenn Chiminiello, who crafted the coif.
To maintain the modernized ’60s feel of Wu’s collection, Chiminiello did subtle backcombing prior to braiding (“A little height at the crown keeps the style from looking too ‘country’”). Another trick—creating the illusion of looseness with a double-

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