I hope everyone had the chance to get away over the long weekend, even if it was just a matter of getting lost in the pages of your favorite magazine. I spent some time in San Francisco and Napa Valley with some friends and am just now getting back in the swing of things. It's so great to have you guys to to come home to! xoxo.
Although flying is not my favorite part of travel, I do love the opportunity to soar next to the stars and get an ariel view of my city. For anyone who has ever landed in NYC, the view at night is quite remarkable.
Try landing over Manhattan during a fireworks induced sporting even and you'll see what I mean. Suddenly, the subway system doesn't seem as crowded, Central Park looks like a big green bathtub and your tiny office cube has sunken into oblivion. Travel is a beautiful way to gain a bit of insight. So today, a bit of high-flying fashion to get you thinking about spreading your wings and looking at life from a different perspective. Enjoy!

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