
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How To Control Oily Skin
Now a huge problem oil skin everywhere. Here Some tips to control Oil skin.

1. Use a Nice Toners applied after washing the face. Wash your face on a regular basis

2. Avoid heavy face creams. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers & Avoid Oil Products. Choose nice cleaner for your skin. Don't use which contains alcohol cleaners, lotions & soaps. Use Natural products.

3. Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling & dehydrated. Keep your skin neat. washing your face to 2 or 3 times a day. Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.

4. Wash your face hot water.Try using a clay or mud mask

5. Use powder. A translucent powder applied after your foundation will help the base stay smudge-proof all day, & will help curb mid-day greasiness.

6. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eat Fruits and Vegitables.

7. If you require to cover the shine of your face with make-up, mineral make-up is suggested for oily skin textures.

8. Don't drink soft drinks or alcohols. Avoid sugar, chocolate, sweets & junk food.Essential Oils For Oily Skin.


Oily skin needs to be hydrated too, so don’t skip the moisturizing step in your skin care use products that are lightweight & non-oil-based.

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