
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Natural Cosmetics

By Amit Kishore Verma


Skin is the largest organ of the body and it needs to be well taken care of as your skin reflects your personality and your personal hygiene quotient. In fact, as a matter of fact your skin provides a better route to toxins and poisons to your bloodstream rather through the food you intake. Many popular brands of cosmetics use toxic substances as is seen by the many serious ill effects of the cosmetics on the skin and health of the people, for instance, skin infections, allergies, rashes, etc. This is precisely the reason why people are getting inclined towards natural cosmetics as being natural; they pose less threat to the skin and the health.

Toxic substances like lead, nanoparticles, petrochemicals, artificial fragrances or phthalates are not present in the natural cosmetics as they don’t make use of toxic substances as well as FD&C dyes, instead they contain mineral pigments. They use products completely natural and herbal, made from plant extracts rather than using DEP for texturizers purpose. They help to protect you from the harmful UV rays by natural ingredients and not nanoparticles.

Natural cosmetics are herbal products and thus they are very safe to use for the skin. There are many ingredients in the nature which can be used without any side effects and thus the natural cosmetics make use of such natural ingredients rather than the harmful chemicals. Things like organic herb extracts, seeds, plant leaves, organic waxes, oils extracted from the barks of the trees, etc are put to use in the preparation of these natural cosmetics. The best feature of such natural ingredients is that they can be used by people with sensitive skin as well and they act as perfect astringents, toners, moisturizers, exfoliating agents, sun blocks, etc, without providing any side effects to the users. 

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