
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plump Lips

By Rujuta Borkar

Do you look into the mirror and pout your lips over and over again? Every time wishing that you had plump lips? Why can't you have plump lips! There's nothing more sensual than plump lips. Why do your lips have to be as thin as a pencil? It's that age old query that's never going out of style. It's in the same lines of - Why couldn't I have been a little taller, a little more tanned, a little get the drift. While there may or may not be much that you can probably do about the other issues, if it's plump lips that you are looking for, that can definitely be helped! Don't believe me? Read the following article.

How to Get Plump Lips Naturally

Without talking about expensive surgeries and procedures here, let us get into the ways that one get plump lips. Here are some ways how you can lend to effective lip care and get fuller lips in the bargain.

The Toothbrush Method
This one is easy to follow. The next time you brush your teeth, use a toothbrush to exfoliate lips as well, this will get rid of all the dead layers of skin and increase blood flow to that area - automatically making them plumper. Before you do this though, you need to take care of some things:
  1. While sleeping, apply a lip balm and keep it overnight.
  2. This will moisturize your lips sufficiently and if you have dry chapped lips, then you'll find that by morning the lips will have become soft.
  3. Now take a soft bristled toothbrush and gently brush over the lips.
  4. The dead skin will start to peel off easily.
  5. Now wash away with a cloth and you'll notice rosier, fuller lips.
There are several exercises that can help you to get plump lips. Keep in mind that the results will not be seen immediately. You'll need to be patient:
  • Pout your lips for 10 seconds then immediately cover them with your teeth. This leads to the lip muscles being exercised. Do this 5 times a day.
  • Whistling has known to provide the right kind of stretching poses that allows the lips to become plump.
  • Rub your lips gently whenever you can. This leads to a massage and hence, plump lips.
  • Sucking on the lips also helps to stimulate them and direct the blood flow there.
Natural Ingredients
There are certain ingredients that you can apply to get plump lips. Here are some of them.
  • A mixture of cinnamon and peppermint oil
  • Honey (thin layer)
  • Drink lots of water to keep your lips naturally hydrated.
  • Clove oil
  • Eat lots of cherries
Cosmetic Products
There are several cosmetic products that can be used to enhance the size of lips and make them plump. Here are some of the makeup tricks and other beauty products.

Lip Plumper: There are several lip plumpers that are readily available in the market. These lip plumpers stimulate the lips and therefore, make them more full and plump. The ideal way to apply this is by spreading your lips wide so that it reaches all areas evenly. This might cause a little tingling sensation or mild irritation, but rest assured, if you follow the instructions on the bottle carefully, they won't be anything major happening to you. These lip plumping tips really do work.

Vitamin B3: Vitamin in the form of niacin can help you get plump lips very effectively. It has a direct effect on the capillaries of the lips, thus draws blood to that region and causes a swelling - this gives the impression of plump lips.

Makeup: Using certain lip make up tips and procedures will help to give the effect of fuller lips as well. Here are some of them.
  1. Brush your lips with a cloth to remove any dry skin there (make sure they are sufficiently hydrated).
  2. Now take a concealer and apply a thin layer on the lips (Make sure that the shade is lighter than your skin tone).
  3. Now use a lip liner and draw a line that is slightly outside your lip line.
  4. Now use a lipstick and apply over the lips, making sure to reach the outlined line as well.
  5. Now slowly blend the lip liner and lipstick to look like one.
  6. This allows the lip area to be artificially widened and therefore the effect is that of plump lips.
  7. Finish this off by applying a thin layer of lip gloss. For added effect add more shinier points of gloss in the center of the lips (just below the front teeth.)
Now that you know the tricks and techniques on how to get plump lips at home, go right ahead and master that sensuous look! All the best!

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