Tuesday, June 22, 2010
No Pakistani wedding is ever complete without the mehndi. Whichever part of the country the bride may be from, her hands are adorned with the lovely red hue of the mehndi (mehndi). Beauty parlours have special bridal mehndi packs - these days, the brides have a choice between the Indian mehndi (which covers pretty much most of the palm) and the Arabic mehndi (in which the pattern is drawn to one side of the hand). The cost of applying the mehndi may vary from parlour to parlour. mehndi (Mehndi) is associated to lots of things - a good dark design is a sign of good luck for the marital couple. It is common for the names of the bride and groom to be hidden in the mehndi design; and the wedding night cannot commence until the groom has found the names. Some examples of popular traditional images/thumb used in mehndi designs are the peacock, which is the national bird if India, the lotus flower, and an elephant with a raised trunk, which is a symbol of good luck
Buy Perfume Online
Want to buy perfume online and save? Here are perfume reviews and distributors that offer women and mens perfume for less.
Buying perfume online is extremely easy. If you know which brand that you enjoy it is a simple point and click procedure. And because these companies do not have to pay for sales reps and rent and shelf space, they can pass on these savings to you. You can almost always find your favorite fragrances online for less. That is simply the way it is. Some companies even offer free shipping depending on the amount that you spend.
In addition to finding the fragrances that you are familiar with, you can read countless reviews of other perfumes online. This site gives reviews of scents like Issey Miyake Perfume and Dolce and Gabbana perfumes.
You can find fragrances from the US, Europe and all over the world on the internet. So if you found a scent that you adore in Greece and purchased a bottle there and need a new one, you can go online and almost always find what you are looking for.
I used to go to a perfume store in Coral Gables, Miami. I loved it. It had fragrances from all over the world. The most wonderful, mysterious scents available could be found here. They were not cheap but at least they were unique. This store closed not soon after I discovered it because of the high rents and the fact that you could find these same fragrances online for much less.
The internet has changed the way people buy perfume. You can smell the different scents in magazines and then go online to buy them. And you can wander through a department store and sample different fragrances then go home and find those same perfumes online at a discount.
And if a store has an exclusive on a perfume, like Neiman Marcus often does, you can simply go to their website and buy it online and have it shipped directly to you. There is no need to spend that extra gas money or waste your time in a mall. Buying your perfumes online simply makes the most sense. You save, get the exact scents that you want and have it delivered straight to your door. What else could you possibly want?
Girls Fragrance
Top Brands Women's Fragrance
Wedding ring
The wedding ring is probably one of the most important parts of marriage. Traditionally it's a symbol that you are taken and of your commitment to each other, and fashion wise it's something that you'll be wearing for the rest of your life, meaning you have to take time and effort picking the right one.
Unlike the engagement ring, which is usually chosen by the groom (more of that later) couples tend to pick their wedding rings together to make sure they have something that to a certain extent matches and each like each others choices. After all if he hates your ring he won't be gazing at it very lovingly and vice versa. And if you force him into buying a ring he hates, he's very unlikely to be happy wearing it.
A good way to show each other a sign of commitment (yes we know marriage is a huge one) is to opt for a wedding ring set, where both rings match. Many stores such as Goldsmiths, Ernest Jones and Fraser Heart offer these sets.
However, if that's not to your taste then how about getting them made? You can then add things that mean something to you, for example, pick a stone that has some meaning, or perhaps choose to have a tiny flower engraved on the back, maybe one of the first types he gave you.
Alternatively you could opt for something unusual or antique, or even designing your own. Celtic rings are another popular style for contemporary weddings.
Nail brush, pumice stone, nail clippers, emery board, cotton wool, cotton buts, polish remover, nail varnish, moisture cream, a small tub for soaking feet.
Here is how to give yourself ' at home pedicure '. 1. Soak your feet in warm water, adding a few drops of any disinfectant. Scrub your toe nails with a fairly stiff nail-brush. Scrub off any hard skin with a pumice stone. Never try to cut hard skin as this can be dangerous. Dry the feet carefully, especially between the toes.
2. Massage the feet with a little foot cream. You may get one containing menthol which is very cooling.
3. Apply cuticle cream around the nails.
4. Using an orange stick, wrapped with a twist of cotton wool and dipped in cuticle remover, gently press the cuticle back. The cuticle should never be cut unless the edges are ragged.
5. Cut the nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery-board. the nails should not be so short that the soft flesh at the ends of the toe is exposed.
6. Use a little varnish remover on cotton wool to dry off the nails and remove any cream.
7. Cotton wool pads can now be put between the toes. This is to avoid smudging and the varnish applied, covering the whole nail and over the tip.
Bridal Makeup Tips
Makeup is surprisingly often an overlooked item when planning your dream shaadi.
Brides always focus on planning their outfits, jewellery, hair and mehndi but don't realise that, to look amazingly stunning on their wedding day they really need to have good makeup applied by a professional. Bridal make up by its very nature is a unique requirement and your make up regime for the big day needs careful thought and consideration.
My personal approach to make-up for brides is one of corrective, subtle make-up that enhances the bride's best features and makes her look naturally radiant and beautiful on her big day.
The first thing people notice when they look at a bride - is how stunning and radiant she looks, not her makeup itself. In fact make - up that is too obvious can look overdone and artificial so understated and sophisticated elegance is the name of the game!
When it comes to applying bridal makeup, there is a correct sequence and technique to follow as well as a preparatory stage to ensure that you will be looking your absolute best.
Selection and advice on the best and most appropriate products, colours and styles is also imperative.
What works for you in your day to day use or for other special occasions will not necessarily make you look your best on your big day! This kind of in depth knowledge can only come .
For your eyes, you can't go wrong with matt makeup with slight shimmering shadows. You should usually use a combination of colours to compliment the Brides outfit. A soft black eyeliner, (No browns) use black mascara for your wedding day, even if you're very fair and usually go for brown - it'll show up better in your photographs, smudged close to the base of you lashes on your upper lid will make your eyelashes appear thicker and, in conjunction with a little grey or dark brown eye-shadow applied with a thin brush at the base of your lower lashes, will subtly define your eyes perfectly for the photos. Use black WATERPROOF mascara on just about bride , and curl the lashes before applying it. On some occasions you even consider using false eyelashes as this gives more definition over the eyes and looks quite stunning in photographs.
For the bride's lips,Use a colour that will not clash with the bride's eyes and dress and of course her Bouquet� Bearing in mind you have already primed your lips when you applied your foundation and powder by putting a suitable balm or moisturiser on them after you have done your base. By the time you are ready for lipstick to be applied, your lips will be in perfect condition�-Always leave this to the very last. Use a "Nude" lip pencil over the entire lip before applying the lip colour as it gives extra staying power, apply lip-colour then blot with a tissue and reapply lipstick with a touch of gloss or a more shimmering colour to enhance the shadow of your bottom lip and a slight touch over the top lip.
The most important tip is to allow yourself a good three hours to get ready as this gives your beautician plenty of time to work her magic and make you look stunning. More importantly it will give you some all-important chill out time away from your interfering aunties. Before you make an entrance, a quick check and powder before you leave for the ceremony, and your Dulha will be totally bowled over PLUS you will look fantastic in the photos of your dream shaadi!
Demurely buttoned up yet slightly subversive...Marc Jacobs AW10
Mannish chic on the Marc Jacobs AW10 runway
A modern day Virginia Woolf could have been Marc Jacobs' inspiration...
Lights, camera, fashion
Following a gruelling 20 hour coach journey from Switzerland to London (thanks to a certain pesky volcano), the Matches AW10 fashion shoot was just the pick-me-up I needed, when I finally crawled into the office. Who needs caffeine when you’ve got Mary Katranzou, Christian Louboutin fur boots and lashings of Chanel?
Just look at some of the beauties you’re going to be swooning over come autumn…

Just look at some of the beauties you’re going to be swooning over come autumn…
Erdem's signature prints have a brooding, glamorous feel for AW10
Burberry's towering ankle boots are shear (lined) bliss...
It's shoe time! Love the Olivia Morris for Grenson rose gold brogues
Tips to Stay Young
The thought of growing old scares everyone.
The secret for better aging is to feel good about yourself and treat the symptoms that come naturally in the process of aging. You don't have to just live with these symptoms and feel bad. You have to embrace what you have and feel good about yourself.
Avoid your obsession with aging, and you'll be surprised just how much weight you've lifted off your shoulders.
You should feel that same person 20 or so years before. What matters is not how you look on the surface, it is who you truly are deep down. This may sound like too much of a cliché, but then again, this became a cliché for good reason. Inside, you still have the same dreams and many of the same interests. In fact, aging has only had its rewards. The years should have taught you to be more confident and happier in your own skin. You may constantly obsess about the fine lines and deep crevices you see in front of the mirror, but has this done anyone good?
If you follow the steps listed below,you can stay forever young and beautiful.
Unfortunately there are no miracles drugs. Sadly, no Fountain of Youth but there are some things you can do to stay young and healthy looking without anything too radical. Lifestyle Habits are the main thing to consider. Following some simple steps will help you look and feel better. It will also save you a ton of money and keep you out of the plastic surgeon's chair.
1. Eat Healthy:
Eat a balanced, healthy diet, including five helpings of fruits and vegetables a day.
2. Exercise:
Exercise has so many benefits. Helps maintain good posture, alleviate stress and increase blood flow. Once you see the positive affects it brings you'll be hooked.
3. Sleep:
Sleep is a natural healer for mind and body. It's easy to say sleep 8 hours every night but often not as easy to do. Do try to get on a schedule that gives you enough sleep. Your body restores and repairs itself during sleep.
4. Smile Gorgeous:
Your smile is something people notice. Take care of your teeth. Make sure to get your regular dental check ups and cleanings. If you notice your teeth becoming discolored buy a teeth whitening product. These are very reasonable now and they work. Avoid smoking, coffee and red wine as they can stain teeth.
5.Love Your Locks:
Find a happy middle. Avoid wearing hair too long. As you age it becomes less flattering. Avoid wearing it too short. A severe short hair cut can also tack on the years. Have bangs! Bangs soften the face and are flattering on anyone. Avoid blunt cut bangs. Try side swept or long layered bangs
6. Give up smoking:
Smoking destroys the natural proteins in the skin collagen and elastin. It decreases the blood supply to your skin. When you smoke your pucker your lips. Over time those pucker lines will become permanent. Lipsticks bleeds down into them making your lips look dry, crackly and well old.
7. Less is More:
Avoid being heavy handed with make up. Certain cosmetics can actually age you. Foundations and Powders often make fine lines look more prominent. They look more like "wrinkles" Use anti aging products and keep it light.
8. Be Fashionable
Keep up on style trends. Make sure you know what works for you. Don't give up your age by wearing outdated clothing. Be modern and express your amazing taste with your clothing.
9. Stay Positive
We are all our own worst critics and we often judge ourselves to harshly. When you look in the mirror don't take note of the crow's feet take note of your lovely brown eyes. Be kind to yourself. Everyone ages. There is no way around that but we can make sure we do it gracefully. Remember that you are Beautiful. Take Pride in that.
How to reduce weight
1.Diet 2.Exercises 3.Walking 4.Think Positively 5.Avoid Drinkg & Smoke
1. Diet
Early morning: Take one glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon and honey added to it.
Morning breakfast:
1. Take Any Small Fruit
2. One Cup Of Tea Or Balck Coffee. It will be Reduce Your Weight.
3. Two or three small tomatoes or cucumbers
4. Eat Dialy Boiled Egg.
Mid day meal:
1. One or Two Small Chapatti or Bread.
2. Half a bowl of green soup.
3. Two or Three Small Cucumbers or Tomatoes.
4. Non vegetarian can take some Sea Food.
Afternoon and early evening: As per the morning breakfast
Supper: As per the mid day meal. But a small bowlful of rice can be taken instead of bread or chapatti.
Chew properly 15 to 20 Times When you take a Food.
1. Walking on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes.
2. Swim Daily.
3. Running 3 to 5 Miles Everyday.
4. Play Outdoor Games.
5. Sometimes Riding a cycle 5 to 10 KM.
6. Drink Water 8 to 10 Glasses.
If you’ve been jogging for fitness & weightloss for some time now, you may be ready for a small alter.
Jogging atleast 30-60 miutes daily. it burns stored overweight & can build muscle to speed up your metablism.
4.Think Positively
Think positively. If you start thinking that you will never accomplish your objective, you won't. Positive thinking is the key to success.
Then You can lose weight without exercising, when you think positively. you need some strenght trainning.Walking a couple of miles daily.Avoid self-defeat by replacing negative
thoughts with positive affirmations.
5. Avoid Drinkg & Smoke
Avoid alcohol and smoke.Most poeple who drink and smoke do it together and indulging in one can make it harder to resist other.
Daily Meditation and Yoga For Best Result.
Good Reasons for Quitting
1. You will live longer and live better.
2. If you are pregnant, Avoid smoking will improve your chances of having a healthy baby.
3. You Can save Extra money to Future.
Tips for Treating Oily Skin
1. Wash your face as many times as you can, using a mild cleanser.
2. Use an oil free moisturiser and cosmetics.
3. Use a clay-based face mask two or three times a week.
4. Avoid using cleansers that tend to overdry skin. This paradoxically causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual.
5. Make your own fruit acid mask. Mash papaya and smear it on your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing off.
6. Steam your skin several times a week and add camomile, lavender oil or dried herbs to it.
7. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking atleast eight glasses of water a day.
8. Reduce fats and oils in your diet.
9. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
Hair Fall Control
some of case studies for hair fall control:
- The rate of hair fall in women is slower than in men. In men the hair loss follows hereditary pattern.
- Women also have varied complains of hair fall or loosing density, sometimes localized baldness. This could be due to the use of harmful shampoos or coloring products, and other improper styling of hairs.
- Unbalanced diets and stress, anxiety, odd sleeping hours, anxiety is the major cause of hair loss in the modern generation of today.
How to control Hair Fall?
There are many hair fall control remedies which can be followed depending on the reasons of hair fall .Some of hair fall control are:
Dandruff Tantrum:
- Sometimes the hair fall is due to dandruff in the hairs.
- Many remedies can be applied to remove dandruff from hairs.
- The massage of hair with warm coconut oil and the juice of lemon is a good one.
- One should use an anti-dandruff shampoo for hairs having dandruff.
- Sometimes scalp diseases due to bacterial or fungal infection can also lead to hair fall.
- In that case, one should take medical help to get rid of infection and then hair fall, keeping the hairs oily or dusty should be avoided.
Hair Fall Control With Herbal Help:
- For weak hairs, there is an effective remedy.
- Make a paste with castor oil, Amla and Shitake powder, powdered fenugreek seeds, neem leaves paste and eggs.
- The paste should be applied to the scalp and hair and leave it on for some time.
- Then Washing off with a mild shampoo strengthens the hairs and prevent hair loss.
Regular Habits:
- Hairs are basically reflection of our eating and sleeping habits.
- Hair needs proteins vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts.
- So, we should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and milk for healthy hairs.
- Some essential food items for radiant and strong hairs are Green and leafy vegetables, fruit and vegetable salads, coconut, cheese meat, fish, eggs, nuts, yoghurt and almonds.
- One should drink plenty of water, fruit juice and soups.
- Alcohol should be avoided as it is antagonistic to many useful nutrients that are essential for healthy hairs. Avoid much of tea and coffee.
- All the items hinder the absorption of minerals crucial for hair health.
Activity of the Body:
- The most essential and panacea for any kind of disorder in the body are exercises.
- All kind of exercises whether yogic, aerobic, jogging walking are equally good.
- One should exercise regularly and timely. It prevents hair loss and strengthens at the same time because it stimulates the circulatory system which ensures healthy blood supply to all the cells of all the organs of the body.
- Ample blood supply helps in growth by regeneration and repair of hairs on the scalp.
Nature's Work:
- All of us should remain close to nature.
- Use of organic cosmetics for hairs should be avoided, natural and home made products should be preferred.
- Frequent change of shampoos, treating hairs with various chemicals and dyes is very harmful and leads to hair loss, sometimes even permanent change in hair texture is seen.
Stress in Life:
- One of the other important factors is stress.
- Modern lifestyle is very rapid and running short of time to visualize and analyze the after effects of health threats like stress, anxiety, over ambition, failures, relentless routine etc.
- We should really manage to squeeze out some time of our busy schedules to analyze the wrong habits affecting our healths and ultimately life.
- We should try to change those habits and follow healthier routines and life style to remain happy and content.
Secrets Of Healthy Hair

Unfortunately, most of the real basic ingredients for healthy hair are at odds with the way modern Americans lead their lives. Still, it bears repeating to say , coloring your hair, going on crash diets, and smoking or being with smokers will damage short and long hair. Care should also be taken to use products with a minimum of chemicals present to prevent a damaging build up that essentially suffocates the hair shaft. There are specific considerations for various types of hair.
Secrets To Maintaining Healthy Hair
There are lots of secrets in maintaining healthy hair and some of them are as follows:
Although many people believe long hair is more difficult to handle, in reality it is the most versatile of all hair styles. Tangling is a major issue and can be lessened by detangling before shampooing and by not piling the hair on top of the head and bunching it when wet. It is best to shampoo while showering and to work the shampoo down the length of the hair as if you were milking a cow. Always end with a cold water rinse to enhance the sheen of your hair.Concentrate conditioner at the ends of the hair to avoiding splitting and if possible, air dry. Any natural hair care methods will always be better than artificial ones like blow drying. If you have to blow dry, try to do so in shifts so that your hair does not get too hot which causes the hair to be brittle and to break more easily. Never brush you hair while it is wet and use only wide tooth combs.If you would like your hair to fall in waves, braid it while it is still wet, then take it down when it is dry. Putting it up in a top knot while wet will create volume when the hair is released. Braids or pony tails are always useful in any situation where your hair can become tangled or caught in something. If your hair is down on a cold, windy day, put your hair inside your coat when going outside.For special occasions braiding scarves or ribbons into your hair can create a touch of elegance and the pinned back chignon is always a classic touch as is a French braid. Make sure to have frequent small trim work even if you have to do it yourself to keep any split ends under control. If you trim your own split ends, do each hair individually. For this kind of self-care, it's a good idea to get a friend with long hair to do the trim for you and then you can return the favor.
Short hair presents few problems in and of itself. There are of course issues with the quality of hair worn in any style (curly, fine, thick, frizzy, oily) which will be discussed below. The major consideration in short hair is to match the cut to the shape of your face.There are seven basic facial shapes: diamond, heart, oval, rectangle, round, square, and triangular. Not all facial shapes are compatible with all cuts. Diamond-shaped faces that are narrow at the forehead but wide at the cheeks with a small, pointy chin work best with cuts that add more fullness at the crown of the head to balance out the width of the cheeks.Heart-shaped faces with their wide foreheads and small chins looks best when paired with a layered bob with lots of volume. Asymmetrical cuts also compliment this facial configuration. Oval faces are characterized by high foreheads and narrow but round chins. This is the most balance of all the facial shapes and works well with any cut.Rectangular faces are long with high foreheads and defined jaws and chins. In general a chin-length or shoulder-length cut will be most effective to call attention away from the length of the face and to give an overall softening effect. Some fringe or bangs at the forehead also works well.Round faces have wide foreheads and full jaws. Because the shape is similar to the oval, most styles will work but be sure to have fullness above the ears. The softer the cut and the more the layers come forward toward the face the better the style for this facial type. Asymmetrical cuts are also good.The square face with its "lantern" jaw and wide forehead needs a graduated cut with lots of volume at the crown. Triangular faces, on the other hand, that are widest at the jaw and more narrow at the temple can actually accommodate most styles except those with volume at the top or crown of the head.
Curly hair care can present many issues because this hair type is so susceptible to frizziness. Many people use the old method of lightly spritzing the hair with hair spray, allowing the product to dry, and then shaping the hair with either their fingers or a brush. Be careful about doing this too much, however. Hair spray contains alcohol and if your hair gets too dry the frizziness will only get worse.Always use a wide tooth comb and try to gently detangle your hair while it is wet. Never brush wet hair, however. It is best to allow the hair to drip dry. Beware of straightening products. Most contain harsh chemicals that will damage your hair over time and can lead to hair loss. If you feel you must straighten your hair use a steam straightening device set to the lowest temperature or go to a salon. Professional hair care products for straightening should cause less damage to your hair in the hands of a competent stylist.
With fine hair, the shorter the cut the better. Generally fine hair is very limp and cannot take the weight of a longer hair style. You should have the benefit of good sheen, however, so a short and relatively blunt style will give the illusion of volume. (Layering only makes fine hair thinner.)Don't do anything to make the hair brittle, which leads to breaking and split ends. Avoid the excessive heat of blow drying and curling irons. Read the labels of your hair care products and avoid harsh detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate. Minimize the use of hairsprays and gels that contain too much alcohol. These products will dry out the hair.Don't over condition. This leads to chemical build-up. "Leave in" conditioners are especially bad in this regard. At least once a week shampoo with a product designed for cleansing the hair only. This will combat build up from conditioners, which leaves the hair even more limp and less manageable.
Coarse or thick hair has much more body and life and so has more versatility than fine hair. Avoid blunt cuts which make the hair look bushy. Try something layered. If your hair is thick and curly, cuts that accentuate the curl will in the long run present fewer problems with hair style and care.The greatest problem with thick hair is simply its tendency toward dryness. Avoid hair products that contain alcohol such as hair sprays and gels. If at all possible, air dry rather than using a curling iron and choose a mild shampoo to promote as much softness as possible, maybe even a baby shampoo.
Although the problem of frizz is most often associated with curly hair, many people experience problems with frizz in the summer due to heat and humidity. Hair that is dry, drab, and brittle will also be frizzy.You should choose both a conditioner and a shampoo designed to moisturize. Choose products that say they will "replenish" over those that speak to "volumizing" or to creating "body." With frizz, moisturizing is everything.Don't blow dry or use a curling iron. At night or on a weekend when you plan to stay in, apply jojoba oil to your hair, wrap it in plastic, and if possible leave it there through the night. Do not shampoo daily. Wear a hat when you are in the sun. Hair can sunburn just as seriously as the skin. Be religious about getting your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks.
With oily hair, on the other hand, you want to shampoo daily with a formula specifically for your hair type. Leave the lather in at least five minutes and repeat. Don't use a conditioner, especially not one of the "leave in" variety. You may also apply a mild astringent to the scalp such as witch hazel.When you brush or comb your hair try not to touch the scalp. The old method of brushing hair with one hundred strokes a day is actually a technique to spread and distribute hair's natural oils. With oily hair that's the last thing you want to do. Bush and comb as briefly and as infrequently as possible.
Facts Women's Health & Fitness
* A women's hormonal balance is very different to that of a man due to which they often have huge mood swings; this usually occurs during the time one expects her monthly period.
* A women's metabolism is generally (not always) slower than that of a man's due to which the struggle to stay slender and fit is greater in a woman most times.
* Due to a slower metabolism rate, women tend to have a poor blood circulation, which is usually manifested through cold feet and hands in all types of seasons.
* Due to the above facts women deal differently with stress than men often, developing eating disorders.
Easy Steps to Improve Women's Health and Fitness
* Exercise - highly recommended women exercises are those that increase body metabolism such as jogging and power walking. Increasing body metabolism one burns calories quicker and improves blood circulation as well.
* Diet - high in fiber; this helps with digestion, a problem most women face due to slow metabolism rate. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always of great help as well.
* Water and other liquids - women's health and fitness is proportional to the amount of liquids one intakes. It is advised to drink no less than 2 liters daily. Coffee and tea do not count as they contain caffeine.
Check Ups Regularly
Women's health and fitness can be kept under control when regular check ups are conducted. Do not skip a check up only because you think you feel good and therefore nothing can be wrong. Many diseases only show signs and symptoms in the late stages at which time it is harder to deal with and cure it.
A Helpful Tip
Don't take advice or follow someone else's diet or exercise schedule unless that advice comes from a professional - women's health and fitness is very complex and unique to each and every individual woman.
Get to know and understand your body's functions and needs. Seek and follow only professional advice to obtain best results and maintain optimum health and fitness conditions at all times.
Eyes Care Tips
When you sit in front of the computer whole day watching TV, reading books or when your eyes get exposed in pollution, it affects eyes very adversely. It makes your eyes look over worked and tired. In the busy life schedule give some relaxation to your eyes, spend 15-20min every day on eye exercise, and wash your eyes daily with clean and cold water.
It is important to cure your vision before it take chance to develop bad effects. Prevention is definitely better than cure. So what you can do for your eyes?
* Give proper relaxation to your eyes
* Do not expose your eyes to sunlight, wear sunglasses
* Wash eyes with clean and cold water regularly
* Take a layer of cotton dip into cold milk and put it on your eyes it will give relax to your eyes and also remove dark circles.
* Cotton layer dip into Coconut oil and rub it out skin of your eyes it gives nourishment and shine to your eyes.
* Take regular eye exercises.
* Take proper vitamin containing food and green vegetables.
* See greenery till five minutes it will increase your vision.
* Minerals and many eyes drop product can take care of your eyes.
* Dust particle can be harmful for eyes so clean your eyes daily
which supplements or vitamins are the best for eyes?
Vitamin A -it helps from many eye disorders; lack of vitamin A can lead to corneal ulcer and night blindness
Source of vitamin A: - carrots, sweet potatoes and liver and many green vegetables.
Vitamin C –need to reduce the pressure in glaucoma and slow down the affect of degeneration.
Source of vitamin C: - fruits like oranges, strawberries, rosehip and broccoli, bioflavonoid and much more.
Vitamin E - It helps in the risk of contracts and muscular degeneration.
Source of vitamin E - Some rich foods are Dry Fruits and nuts like almond and hazelnuts and many more
Zinc: -Found in red meat, oysters and wheat.
As you all are aware that “Improper Diet is the Root to many diseases”. So First of all if you take care of your diet and take proper Vitamins and foods, mineral, water green vegetables, it will give a direct relation in nutrition and vision of your eyes.
Secrets Of Skin Care
1. Avoid fried and fatty foods in general.
2. Avoid eating chocolates and foods or drinks that are made with cocoa combination. There is a link between chocolate and skin conditions such as pimples.
3. Avoid starchy foods. No cakes, biscuits, sweets, bread or Jams.
The first and foremost step towards beautiful skin is working out what your skin type is. This is necessary, so that you can move forward how to care for your skin, and what products should be used. Below are the 5 different features of skin types, which you can compare to your own skin type. Once you have decided what type your skin is, you can find out what the best way is to look after your skin.
1. Dry skin
2. Oily skin
3. Normal skin
4. Combinational skin
5. Sensitive skin
Care for Dry skin:
* For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.
Care for Oily skin:
* To care for oily skin you should start with a gentle, foaming facial wash. This will remove dirt and oil without stripping away moisture. Soak cotton wool in a gentle astringent lotion and sweep it over your skin to refresh and cool it.
* Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, but choose a light, watery fluid; this will be enough for your skin. Allow the moisturizer to sink in well and then absorb the excess with a tissue to prevent shine.
Care for Normal Skin:
* To care for normal skin you should start with a gentle foaming facial wash. Massaging it into your face will give you a rosy complexion. Cool your skin with a refreshing toner, and massage it with your fingers in light upward strokes.
Care for Combinational skin:
* If you have combinational skin use a foaming facial wash in the mornings to cleanse your skin. This will keep the oily areas clean to prevent blackheads. In the evening use a cream cleanser to soothe your dry areas. This will keep a balance between excess dryness and excess oiliness. Use a strong astringent for your oily areas and a mild skin freshener for the dry areas. This is not an expensive option, as you will need a little of each. Use moisturizer on your whole face, but make sure you concentrate on your drier areas.
Care for Sensitive Skin:
* If you have sensitive skin, do not use facial washes or soap; instead use a light, hypoallergenic cleansing lotion. Use a moisturizer to strengthen your skin and provide a barrier against irritants. Make sure you use an non perfumed moisturizer, which will not irritate your skin.
Body Care
Body Care Tips:
- Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and any of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary.
- Remove scars on your hands and feet by rubbing them with lemon peel.
- For rough palms, use a mixture of glycerin and limejuice in equal proportion.
- For cracked heals, massage the foot with coconut oil and keep the foot in warm water for some time. Wipe the water off the feet and apply a mixture of hibiscus flower(10), Henna (1 handful) and juice of half a lemon. when dry wash it off.
- If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your heels will become smooth.
- Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week if you have dry and flaky, arms and legs
- Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half-a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.
How To Control Oily Skin
Now a huge problem oil skin everywhere. Here Some tips to control Oil skin.
1. Use a Nice Toners applied after washing the face. Wash your face on a regular basis
2. Avoid heavy face creams. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers & Avoid Oil Products. Choose nice cleaner for your skin. Don't use which contains alcohol cleaners, lotions & soaps. Use Natural products.
3. Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling & dehydrated. Keep your skin neat. washing your face to 2 or 3 times a day. Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.
4. Wash your face hot water.Try using a clay or mud mask
5. Use powder. A translucent powder applied after your foundation will help the base stay smudge-proof all day, & will help curb mid-day greasiness.
6. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eat Fruits and Vegitables.
7. If you require to cover the shine of your face with make-up, mineral make-up is suggested for oily skin textures.
8. Don't drink soft drinks or alcohols. Avoid sugar, chocolate, sweets & junk food.Essential Oils For Oily Skin.
Oily skin needs to be hydrated too, so don’t skip the moisturizing step in your skin care use products that are lightweight & non-oil-based.
How to Care for your Face
Women who wear makeup - see Uma Thurman - should carry out a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing turn back the clock each evening, as well as washing the face in the morning. 5 Minute Makeover Cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during the day.
* Remove mascara Lashes Unlimited with a cotton bud dipped in eye-dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. To make the job easier keep your hair off your face.
* Remove the eyeshadow - Artistic Palletes - by gently wiping it off with a pad of clean cotton wool moistened with eye-cleansing lotion.
* Pour a little face cleansing cream into the palm of one hand and dab it generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks --- using two fingers of the other hand.
* Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion.
* Continue massaging the cream up to the forehead, using the fingertips.
* Gently massage the cream from the eyes to the nose.
* Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger.
* Remove the cream from the face with tissue pads in each hand. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead
Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing.
* Immediately after cleansing apply toner to the forehead and cheeks on a pad of corron wool
* Apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.
* Apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.
Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. The face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturisers -- which form a film over the skin -- contain and augment the natural moisture.
* Using the tips ofthe fingers, dot moisturising cream lightly all over the face.
* Press the fingers of both hands into the centre of the forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gentlyaround the eyes.
* Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.
* Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin.
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